Convert Text to ASCII Online

Free online tool to convert any text or txt file to ASCII codes. Simply put the text into the text section and click "Convert to ASCII" to get a fast and exact conversion from plain text to ASCII.

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What is ASCII codes ?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard used in electronic communication. In computers and telecommunications equipment, ASCII codes represent text.

Each number, letter, capital letter, and symbol has an ASCII code. Because you may need to convert text to ASCII, you may require the assistance of a qualified translator.

How to convert any text to ASCII codes ?

The procedure for converting text to ASCII is quite straightforward. The charCodeAt() function in javascript which returns a UTF-16 code unit at the provided index. This function returns an integer between 0 and 65535. The first 128 Unicode code points (0 to 127) correspond to the ASCII character set. You can also use our tool to convert text to ASCII by pasting your text into the input field then click "Convert to ASCII" button to get ASCII of your text.

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