Notarizing Documents in Different Languages

Notarizing foreign language documents

In our diverse and multicultural society, notaries frequently encounter documents written in languages other than English. This prompts important questions about the notary's ability to fulfill their duties when faced with documents in unfamiliar languages. Specifically, can a notary notarize a document written in a language they don't understand? The answer is "yes," but several conditions and ethical considerations must be met to ensure the notarization is legally valid and ethically sound.

Key Conditions for Notarizing Multilingual Documents

  1. Understanding and Free Will of Signers One of the primary functions of a notary public is to witness and verify the identity of the person(s) signing a document, administer oaths or affirmations regarding the truthfulness of the claims in the document, and confirm that the signers are doing so of their own free will. This applies regardless of the language in which the document is written. Just as notaries are not expected to determine the accuracy of documents in English, the same principle applies to documents in other languages. The essential requirement is that all signers must understand the content of the document and willingly sign it.
  2. Common Language Communication In many states, including Texas, it is typically required that the signer(s) and the notary can communicate in a common language. The use of an interpreter is often discouraged or prohibited. This requirement serves an important purpose in safeguarding signers from potential fraud. When signers and notaries can converse directly in a language they both understand, it reduces the risk of misinterpretation and potential misconduct. Therefore, even if the document is in a language other than English, the signers must be able to communicate with the notary in either English or Spanish for the notarization to proceed.
  3. English-Language Notary Certificate Irrespective of the language in which the document is written, the notary certificate itself must be in English. The notary certificate is a legal statement that verifies the notarization process and includes essential details such as the date, location, and the names of the signers. This requirement ensures that the notarization can be understood and validated within the jurisdiction's legal framework.

Additional Considerations

In cases involving acknowledgments and jurats, the notary's primary responsibility is to the signer(s) and not the content of the document itself. Therefore, if the three aforementioned conditions are met, a notary can proceed with the notarization, irrespective of the language of the document.

The Role of Notaries in Multilingual Communities

Notaries play a crucial role in serving multilingual and multicultural communities. They are entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the integrity of the notarization process, regardless of language barriers. This entails ensuring that signers fully comprehend the documents they are signing, are not under duress, and that the notary's certificate is completed accurately and in English.

Specialized Notaries

In some cases, notaries who are fluent in a specific language may be available to notarize documents in that language. These specialized notaries can provide added assurance to signers who are more comfortable communicating in their native language.

Translation Services

If a signer is not fluent in English or Spanish but wishes to sign a document in another language, it is advisable to provide a translated version of the document to the signer. This ensures that they fully understand the content before proceeding with the notarization.

Bilingual Documents

In certain cases, documents may be bilingual, with one language being English or Spanish, to facilitate notarization. This approach can streamline the notarization process and ensure compliance with language requirements.

Document Verification

While notaries are not responsible for verifying the accuracy of the content in the document, they should still exercise due diligence to confirm that the document is complete and properly executed before proceeding with notarization.


Notaries play an essential role in our diverse and multilingual society. They are there to ensure the authenticity of signatures and to protect the signers from potential fraud or coercion. Regardless of the language in which a document is written, notaries must follow specific conditions to perform notarizations legally and ethically. By upholding these principles, notaries can continue to serve as trusted professionals in a society that celebrates diversity and linguistic variety.

Call us today to get your foreign bound documents notarized. 925-237-9550 You can also schedule online at